Sunday, 19 February 2012

UPDATES (20 Feb)

Mickey, pooh, princess
Kitty, rainbow


Out of Stock:

1. Orders/enquiries to
2. For those who opt for postage, payment to be in by 9pm daily so that parcel can be mailed out next working day.

Miffy Films- Preorder & Promotion

Good news to people who are looking for Miffy films ($14/box).
Get more than 2 Miffy films at ONLY $13.50/box.

Stocks will be here in 1 weeks' time!

Monday, 13 February 2012

UPDATES (13 Feb)

1. Miffy Films
- Good news to those looking for Miffy films. Limited stocks available.
Yours at only $14/box! :)

2. Postage
- Good things come in pairs. Pay only $1 for NORMAL postage for instax films purchased (with payment done) by tomorrow (14 Feb), 11am. (Max: 6 films)

Promotional Package (OPEN)

Film Set A- [I want everything]
Plain, Rainbow, Pooh, Mickey, Princess, Kitty@ $75 (UP: $81)

Film Set B- [Best of both world]
5 plain + 5 cartooned @ $114 (UP: $122.50)

Film Set C- [For the creative]
5 plain @ $9.80/box (U.P: $10.50/box)
10 plain @ $95 (UP: $105)

Film Set D- [D for Disney characters]
5 cartooned @ $13/box (U.P: $14/box)
10 cartooned @ $128 (UP: $140)

Film Set E - [Rainbow]
5 rainbow@ $13.80/box (U.P: $14/box)
10 rainbow @ $135 (UP: $140)


Mini 7s Camera Set:
1. Pink/blue camera + 2 plain @ $113 (UP: $120)
2. Pink/blue camera + 2 cartooned @ $118 (UP: $127)

3. White/Choco camera + 2 plain @ $128 (UP: $133)
4. White/Choco camera + 2 cartooned @ $134 (UP: $140)

Mini 25 Camera Set:
1. White camera + 2 Plain @ $171 (UP: $176)
2. Hello Kitty camera + 2 Kitty @ $206 (UP: $214)

Sunday, 12 February 2012


Princess, Pooh, Mickey
Kitty, Rainbow

For orders/enquiries, send it to :)

Monday, 6 February 2012

Fujifilm Accessories

Bringing in our first instax accessories!
Fujifilm Original Panda Pouch for instax camera at ONLY $8.

More pictures can be seen on our facebook page. As you browse through the pictures, remember to add us as a friend if you have yet to do so! :)

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Original Fujifilm camera pouch

Fits Instax Cameras Mini 7S / 25s /50s/ 55i.
Yours for only $8. Don't miss it! :)